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Scholars Inn High School

Scholars Inn High School & Academy

The Leaders Creator

We Provide

✔Acquire Skill-bared education and grow academically

✔Learn to things Clearly

✔Communication confidently

✔Take Responsibility and show initiative

✔Relate knowledge to life

✔Change with the pace of the world

General Philosophy 

The SCHOLARS INN HIGH SCHOOL & ACADEMY administration is a team of dedicated educations that intends to bring reform to our present system of education

       Our Goal is to form minds which can be critical, can verify and not accept everything they are offered without trying to find out by themselves, partly by their own spontaneous activity and partly through materials we setup for them.

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Contact Us

Sanda Rd, Sanda Kalan, Sanda, Lahore, Punjab, Sanda Lahore, Punjab 54000, Pakistan


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